Moving season is here and with any new place, you’ll want to design your apartment in creative, affordable and easy ways! Vinyl records are a great way to decorate on a budget! In this easy step-by-step tutorial, we’ll show you how to hang vinyls on your wall without nails or screws! Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
What You’ll Need
- 4-6 Records
- VELCRO® Brand Stick On Squares
How to Hang Vinyls on The Wall
First things first, you’ll want to pick up a couple of records. Usually your local record store will have a £5 bin you can sort through and pick your favorite album covers.
Once you’ve chosen your vinyl, pick a spot in your apartment where you’ll want to hang your records. This will be a focal point for the room, so we recommend using a large and blank wall.

Before you start to hang your records, don’t forget to measure how high you want them to hang and the distance between each vinyl.
Next, remove the records from the sleeves and place them safely away.
With a microfiber cloth, clean the backside of the sleeves and the wall with rubbing alcohol. Wait until dry.

On the back of the record jacket, remove the liners from the VELCRO® Brand Stick On Squares and place one on each corner of the sleeve. Then hang.

And that’s it! Now you can enjoy your beautiful record wall!

Try this out yourself, pick up a pack of 4-6 Records, VELCRO® Brand Stick On Squares and don’t forget to tag us in social @VelcroBrandUK.